Monday, December 29, 2008

My New Year's Res!!!

We all make New Years Resolutions. Some we keep and some we don't. Last year, my New Years Res was to stop drinking Diet Coke*. Those of you that know me, know how that worked out :-(. This year I want to blog my resolution, so my friends and family can hold me accountable. So here we go. This year I want to strive to be a better husband and father. I will spend more time at home and not at work or church. I will make it a point to have a date night with my wife on a regular basis. I will tuck my babies into bed and pray with them every night. I know what you are thinking, "Rhett, you couldn't even stop drinking Diet Coke*. How are you going to do all of this?" Well, you are right. I couldn't stop drinking Diet Coke, because it was JUST a New Years Res. You see this year is different because it's not just going to be a New Years Res. but a life style change!!! I want to be the husband that Rachael longs for. I want to be the Daddy my little girls deserve. I hope that every one reading this blog decides to do the same. If there is an area of your life that you want to improve on, don't just make New Years Resolutions! Make life style changes.